
Laboratory for Parents

Period: 2012 - 2013
Laboratory for Parents
Under "More Together – to support learning of children and students with SEN in Gabrovo Municipality" Project of Gabrovo Municipality. BG051PO001-4.1.04-0104. Centre for Inclusive Education and To include children, to break down barriers to achievement Forum have been selected to execute Laboratory for Parents project’s activities.

Period: 2012 - 2013
Funded by: European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme

Laboratory for Parents aims to support and help parents of children with SEN in Gabrovo Municipality who are seeking ways and adequate support for their children.

Within informal meetings, trainings and consultancies, the Laboratory will provide parents with practical advices how to include children in pedagogical process at school and children’s peers communities – at school, in the neighborhood, in line with their interests as well as by providing support to families.

The team of Centre for Inclusive Education will conduct research and analysis of the needs of parents of children with SEN in Gabrovo Municipality by the completion of questionnaire and the conduct of 2 focus groups. A plan, based on research’s result will be created. It will comprise the organization of thematic meetings related to topics, defined by the survey as desirable and needed.

Centre for Inclusive Education partners in this project with Kindergarten 1 June, Gabrovo, Nikolay Palauzov Special School, Gabrovo, Gabrovo Centre, supporting the Process of Inclusive Education, Equal Start 2008 Association and Care for Children with Disabilities Foundation.

This information has been prepared with the financial support of the European Social Fund. Gabrovo Municipality is responsible for its content and under no circumstances could be considered as an official position of the European Union or the Ministry of Education and Science.

One School for All

One School for All is our most encompassing and wide-reaching cause, our raison d’etre. Our ultimate goal is comprehensive introduction and application of the principles of inclusive education.

Inclusive education is a process of changing the school environment based on respect and acceptance of other people. It implies wise management of school processes in a way which makes children feel supported to develop their capacity and to overcome hardships; which makes teachers feel encouraged and confident that they are able to cope with the growing challenges, while parents are able to assume their responsibility and role in partnership with schools.