
New Information Pack for Volunteers Now Available

New Information Pack for Volunteers Now Available
We are excited to announce the release of our comprehensive Information Pack designed for volunteers participating in the Green Educational Center project in Sturgel. This essential guide provides detailed information about our organization, the ongoing development of the Green Educational Center, and what volunteers can expect during their two-month mission.The Information Pack covers key aspects such as:
  • About ELA Association for Shared Learning: Learn more about our mission, vision, and the various educational projects we run.
  • The Green Educational Center in Sturgel: Discover the goals and future plans for the center, currently under construction, and how you can contribute.
  • Volunteer Logistics: Practical details on accommodation, transportation, and daily life in Sturgel.
  • Cultural and Social Engagement: Explore the rich cultural heritage of the area, with opportunities to participate in local traditions, learn to cook Bulgarian dishes, and practice language skills with the local community.
  • Health and Safety Guidelines: Important contacts and procedures to ensure your safety and well-being during your stay.

The Information Pack is now available for download as a PDF. It includes all the necessary information to help volunteers prepare for their time in Sturgel and make the most of this unique experience.

We look forward to welcoming our volunteers and are confident that this guide will provide them with all the tools they need for a successful and rewarding experience in Sturgel.

The ELA Association Team

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Info pack